For close to 20 years, the Bes Din Tartikov hechsher has been the seal of one of the most respected kashrus supervision organizations in the world
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Tartikov Kosher. The most respected kashrut supervision organization in the world
Foods and culinary establishments bearing the Badatz Tartikov kosher certification are trusted by Jewish consumers from all walks of life. Behind the seal is the Beis Din of Tartikov.
Foods and culinary establishments bearing the Bes Din of Tartikov kosher
certification are trusted by Jewish consumers from all walks of life.

For close to 20 years, the Badatz Tartikov hechsher has been the seal of one of the most respected kashrus supervision organizations in the world. To this day, our specialty remains to satisfy the standards of the most stringent consumers in the Jewish world. Foods and culinary establishments bearing the Badatz Tartikov kosher certification are trusted by Jewish consumers from all walks of life.

Behind the seal is the Beis Din of Tartikov. We certify that companies, stores and caterers adhere to the strictest levels of kashrus. Rabbi Avrohom Halberstam serves as our Rav HaPosek and leads an established team of expert dayanim well versed in all foodrelated matters. Under their directive, we spare no effort to seek out, vet and carefullychoose top-notch mashgichim. Only those known for their outstanding piety and who know to value the criteria that make up the Tartikov hechsher can become a member of our kashrus supervision organization.

At the helm of the Kashrus research and mashgichim team is our Senior Rabbinical Coordinator, Rabbi Shmeil Teitebaum. We treat the idea of hashgacha as a beis din – as a whole – never awarding the seal of Badatz Tartikov on the basis of a private person’s doings. This ensures that the hechsher remains the property of the kehilla – as has always been in old-world Europe – and not a tool for the pursuit of the individual’s monetary benefit.

In everything we do, our mission is to bring certified kosher food to the frummest, most discerning Jews around the world. To that end, we go above and beyond in pursuit of the highest Kashrus standards.

Get Certified
Going kosher is within your reach. As the iconic name behind this powerful seal of kashrus for over two decades, our certification resources are readily available to you upon request.
Bet Din of Tartikov 5014 16th Ave Suite 115 Brooklyn NY 11204 718.972.3508
For Kashrus inquires